Monday 22 April 2013

Because this needs sharing...

...I mean, this REALLY needs sharing.

As far as I can tell this guy wasn't prosecuted.


  1. has this video been handed over to the police? If not, why not?

    1. Read through the blurb under the video on the youtube page. Police perhaps didn't follow this through as far as you or I might think should be the case.

    2. Yes - and their considered, official, response, was "Meh". Disgusting, really. Even if the bloke in the van felt threatened by a loud bicycle horn, isn't the correct response to go back to work and grumble about it, not to beat the guy up?

  2. Apparently the business in question has removed both their Facebook page and Twitter accounts, so I suspect the sharing has had some effect. (And there's a YouTube comment from someone with a similarly named business in a different area who has also had threats, which is not good.)
    You have to wonder whether Cambridge police would even have taken it as far as a caution or "local resolution" though....

    1. In my other blog post here yesterday you'll see I'm wiping the slate clean with Cambridge Police, maybe they'll surprise us all.

      I note that the business in question is also not taking comments from the 'contact us' part of the web page; whether or not that is linked to these events I couldn't say.

      It is indeed bad that those with a similarly named business have suffered threats; a small part of the blame for that must also go to the Police. When they've got evidence like this in front of them, if they're not going to push for prosecution then I am unsurprised that some may feel the need to take the law into their own hands. Sorry state of affairs.
